Keep Your Car’s Battery Running Its Best With These Tips

Car Battery Maintenance

Just like any other battery, the battery in your car has a limited life. While it will last much longer than the batteries in your TV remote, it will not last forever. Taking the right steps to help keep it in the best shape possible can help to ensure that you do not have to buy a new battery every year. Keep these car battery maintenance tips in mind to help prolong the life of the battery.

  • Limit short car rides – a short car ride does not allow your battery to fully charge. To help maintain the battery’s charge, drive for longer periods and more frequently. If you have a vehicle that you do not use very often, invest in a car battery charger to keep your car charged while the car is sitting.
  • Keep it tight – make sure that your battery is tightly fastened, since a vibrating battery could lead to shorted circuits and internal damage. If you regularly drive on bumpy roads, check the battery terminal frequently to make sure that it is secure.
  • Turn off all lights – when you get out of your car, make sure to turn off all the lights. Many newer vehicles will automatically turn off lights that are left on. However, if you have an older model vehicle, double check all your lights before you walk away from your car.
  • Test your battery – every few months, test your battery. The output voltage level of your battery can be a sign of how well you are taking care of it.

For all of your auto insurance coverage needs to ensure that you and your car have the right amount of protection for any situation, contact the insurance experts at All Nevada Insurance in Las Vegas, Nevada.