Keeping the Road Safe for All

Driving next to a semi truck on the highway may seem intimidating for some people who are driving smaller vehicles. It can also be daunting for those who are driving the semi. It is important to remember these road safety tips to make sure everyone stays safe while on the road.

  • Keep the truck driver in mind. Driving a semi truck is not an easy way to make a living. They have to think much more far in advance when they need to make a lane change or slow down. They are also required in many states to move over if there are emergency vehicles with their lights flashing on the shoulder. Make sure you give them enough room to make any moves that they need to.
  • Move on by. Avoid driving right next to a semi truck. Either speed up to pass them or slow down to stay behind them. The side of the truck is a large blind spot for truck drivers. Keep in mind that if you cannot see the truck driver’s eyes, they cannot see you.
  • Accelerate or brake. If you are passing a truck, do it fast. They may need to change lanes to do to a problem in the road ahead that you cannot see, and if you take your time passing, it will not allow them to get over. If you notice a truck with its turn signal on, stay behind it until it changes lanes.

Keeping these safety tips in mind while on the highway can lead to the road being a safer place for everyone. When it comes time to find the most comprehensive auto insurance policy to make sure you are protected in any unfortunate accident, contact the insurance professionals at All Nevada Insurance. They will help you find the perfect policy to fit all of your needs.