Fun Ways to Treat Mom This Mother’s Day

Fun Ways to Treat Mom This Mother’s Day

Treat mom for Mother’s Day!  

Mother’s Day only comes once a year, so we must make the most of it by showing our mothers how much they really mean to us. To most of us, our mothers are super moms. They are patient, caring, and love us unconditionally, despite our faults. This year, treat your mom to something special. Here are a few ways you can celebrate the special lady in your life.

  • Start with flowers – Almost every lady appreciates flowers because the act of giving a bouquet of beautiful flowers is so sweet. You can show your love to your mom by giving her flowers that match her personality.
  • Do the chores for her – Houses can take a lot of upkeep. Why not relieve your mom’s chore load a bit by doing some chores for her? Instruct her to sit down, relax, and let you handle the cleaning.
  • Cook for her – Even though there is nothing quite like mom’s cooking, reverse roles on this day by cooking her favorite meal. She will definitely be full (of happiness) afterward.
  • Take her to the spa – Moms are so busy doing everything for everyone else that they often forget about themselves. Treat your mom to a pamper day at the spa to ensure she relaxes.
  • Buy her a gift – Make sure you know she will love it! Jewelry is usually a good choice, but consider her taste and your wallet before committing to an expensive purchase.
  • Spend a day with her – Spend a day together, and she will treasure the moment. You might just watch movies and catch up all day, or you might grab some lunch and take her out shopping. Either way, this would mean a lot to her!

From the team at All Nevada Insurance, we hope that you and your mom enjoy the Mother’s Day celebrations! For all of your insurance needs, contact us today.

Try This Fresh Recipe for Spring!

Try This Fresh Recipe for Spring!

Whip up this delicious paella for springtime eating!

Now that spring is here, it’s time to indulge in the wonderful produce that the season brings. Perfect for the season is paella! While it isn’t a ready-in-ten-minutes meal, it is well-simmered, full of flavor, and can be used for lunches, dinners, and lunches again! Check out this delicious recipe for vegetable paella.


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons salt, divided
  • 2 green garlic shoots or 1 clove of garlic, chopped
  • A quarter of a red pepper, sliced
  • 8 asparagus, sliced
  • 7 white button mushrooms, quartered
  • 1/2 cup tomato purée
  • 4 cups vegetable stock
  • 3/4 cups water
  • 1 spring of rosemary
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/4 teaspoon smoky paprika
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • Pinch of saffron
  • 12 oz of paella rice
  • Quartered artichoke hearts
  • Sun-dried tomatoes
  • Lemon slices 


  1. Using a paella pan, pour the oil into the middle of the pan and sprinkle 1 teaspoon of salt in a circle around the oil. Heat over medium heat and add the green garlic shoots or garlic to the oil. Fry until soft and translucent, then remove from pan and reserve.
  2. Bring about a quarter of the salt into the oil and add the red pepper to the oil. Fry until crisp-tender. Remove and reserve with the garlic.
  3. Bring another quarter of the salt into the oil and add the asparagus. Fry until crisp-tender, then remove and reserve with the pepper.
  4. Finally, bring in the last bit of salt to the oil and add the mushrooms. Fry until beginning to soften, then remove and reserve with the other vegetables.
  5. Add the tomato purée to the pan and simmer over high heat for about 2 minutes until reduced and very thick. Add in the vegetable stock and water and bring to a boil. Add the rosemary, paprika, and soy sauce and boil for 5 minutes. Reduce heat to minimum and add the saffron and 1 teaspoon of salt. Leave for 30 minutes on the lowest heat. It should not be simmering, just a tiny wisp of steam coming off the pan.
  6. After 30 minutes remove the rosemary and bay leaf and add the rice and spread it out around the pan. Raise heat to high and boil for 7 minutes. Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 6 minutes. Add the fried vegetables, quartered artichoke hearts and sun-dried tomatoes to the rice and reduce the heat to medium-low. Cook for 6 minutes. By now the rice should be cooked through but not mushy and the liquid absorbed. Remove from heat and let rest for 5 minutes. Serve with lemon slices.

From the team at All Nevada Insurance, we hope that you and your family enjoy this recipe this spring! For all of your insurance needs, contact us today.

How to Be Kind to the Planet for Earth Day

How to Be Kind to the Planet for Earth Day

Easy steps to take to go green.

With Earth Day just around the corner (April 22nd), now is the perfect time to reassess your habits and look for easy ways to be more eco-friendly in the home. Mother Nature has always been kind to us by giving us a planet to live on. However, we haven’t always returned the favor. We are currently killing out endangered species, using up precious resources, and polluting waters and air. To benefit the planet (and, in some cases, your wallet), check out these tips for going green.

Reduce your plastic consumption.

Plastic is a major offender to the environment. It harms wildlife and sits in landfills or floats in the ocean for thousands of years. Reduce or eliminate your plastic consumption by saying no to straws, using reusable bags for shopping, buying your food from the bulk bins, and taking reusable mugs and cups with you when out and about.

Use green cleaning products.

To clean our homes, we often use products that are loaded with toxic chemicals and environmentally harmful substances. Instead, switch to green alternatives that are cruelty-free and do not harm the environment. You can even make your own out of lemon, vinegar, and baking soda!

Walk more.

We’re sure you’ve heard this one before! Walk more and drive less. Saving gas will help to conserve this limited fuel resource. Whether you walk, cycle, or take public transport, find new ways to travel instead of relying on your car. If you do need to drive, carpool with others to conserve gas.

Seal gaps around doors and windows.

Older homes tend to have more gaps around the doors and windows, letting in air from the outside, causing the AC and furnace to work harder. Putting weather stripping around those gaps can save you money on your heating and cooling while preventing energy from being wasted.

While you adopt a greener lifestyle, leave your insurance needs to the experts. All Nevada Insurance can help you secure reliable coverage across Las Vegas and beyond.

How to Reduce Allergens Around the Home

How to Reduce Allergens Around the Home

Easy tricks to minimize the allergens in your home.

Spring is almost here! While that may be good news to some, to others it means the start of sneezing season. Spring can wreak havoc for allergy sufferers. Common indoor allergens include dust mites, mold and mildew, cockroach droppings, and pet dander. Of course, pollen from trees and grass can sneak into the home, too. These irritants cause some unpleasant side effects, including a stuffy head, streaming or itchy eyes, and a sore throat.

Here are a few tips on how to you can reduce allergens in your home.

Stick to a regular cleaning schedule. Keeping dust and dander at bay is a continual process. It’s especially important to stay on top of cleaning when allergies are concerned. Wipe surfaces with a damp rag rather than dusting, which often just brushes dust back into the air.

Implement a no-shoes policy. Keep dust, pollen, and more from entering your house by asking guests and family members to take off their shoes when they enter the door. Provide indoor and outdoor doormats to trap dirt from shoes.

Switch to light blinds. Thick drapes with lots of folds and pleats are masters at trapping dust and other allergens. Choose blinds that you can easily wipe down. If that’s not possible, switch out heavy drapes for light curtains that you can easily machine-wash often.

Opt for green cleaners. Harsh chemical cleaners may irritate those with allergies. Luckily, it’s quite easy to find safe and effective natural cleaners, so work on cutting out the synthetic stuff.

Wash linens in hot water. Bedding, towels, and kitchen linens should be laundered in hot water – remember that when you are shopping and choose fabrics that can stand the heat and inks that won’t fade.

Replace filters in fans and heating/cooling systems. This is key for keeping the air in your home clean. Change the filter in your bathroom exhaust system, air conditioning, or heating system often.

Keeping your home in good condition also means to secure reliable homeowners insurance. For quality homeowners insurancevisit the professionals at All Nevada Insurance. We serve Las Vegas, Henderson, and neighboring cities on Nevada!

Whip Up This Easy Valentine’s Day Recipe!

Whip Up This Easy Valentine’s Day Recipe!

Try your hand at these quick and easy Valentine’s Day cookies.

Share the love of Valentine’s Day (and the love of sweets!) with these heart-shaped cookies! Not only are they easy to make, but are bound to impress your other half to sweeten him or her up to enjoy the romantic holiday. Check out the recipe below.


  • 1-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper.
  2. In a food processor, combine flour, sugar, and baking soda. Pulse a few times to mix.
  3. Add butter, 1 tablespoon water, and vanilla to the flour mixture. Pulse until ingredients come together. If the dough seems dry, add the remaining tablespoon of water.
  4. Dump dough out and divide in half.
  5. Put each portion in between 2 large sheets of floured parchment paper. Use a rolling pin to roll dough until it is 1/4-inch thick.
  6. Use an assortment of heart cookie cutters to cut out heart-shaped cookies. Gather up scraps and re-roll to cut out more cookies.
  7. Place cookies on prepared cookie sheets about 1/2-inch apart.
  8. Bake for 7 to 10 minutes or until cookies are golden around the edges. Start watching cookies at 7 minutes to make sure you don’t overbake them.
  9. Cool cookies completely then use your favorite cookie icings and decor.

From the team at All Nevada Insurance, we hope that you and your loved one enjoy this recipe! For all of your insurance needs, contact us today.

Why to Book Your Summer Vacation in Winter!

Why to Book Your Summer Vacation in Winter!

Prepare for Your Summer Vacation in Winter!

Are you ready for summer vacation yet? We thought so. Even though we have a few more months of cooler temperatures and adverse weather, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be thinking ahead. In fact, winter is the ideal time to book your summer vacation! Here’s why.

You will actually take it.

The sad truth is more than half of American workers don’t use all their vacation time. There are many reasons why people don’t take this much-needed time off, but if your summer vacation is planned and paid for, chances are you’ll stick to it.

You snag better deals.

The closer you get to a trip, the costlier everything comes, from airfare to hotels. As the demand goes up, prices rise accordingly, so try to book the key parts of your vacation before everyone else does. Many hotels, car rental companies, and package-deal businesses offer amazing deals in winter to lock in guests for the summer.

You have more options.

In addition to potentially getting a better price, you’re more likely to achieve your choice of routes and locations. Many popular destinations, like national parks and campsites are booked up early. The most appealing rental houses go especially fast, so get them now while they’re still available.

You can budget accordingly.

By planning your vacation in advance, you’ll have a clear picture of what everything will cost you. With many months to save, you can set up a budget so that you have plenty of spending money while you’re there. You may even find that skipping your daily latte for a poolside cocktail only adds to the excitement of your summer vacation.

You have the joy of anticipation.

Planning your vacation, reading up about the city and culture, and looking for fun pool accessories is all part of the fun of a vacation! The earlier you plan, the more time you have to immerse yourself in the upcoming event.

While you get ready to jet set, leave your insurance needs to the experts. All Nevada Insurance can help you secure reliable coverage across Las Vegas and beyond.

How to Combat Sitting Down All Day

How to Combat Sitting Down All Day

Take a Stand for Your Health 

If you work at a desk, you may find that sitting down all day can wreak havoc on your body. Whether it’s lower back pain, wrist pain, a really tight neck, or a lack of mobility, when we spend all day at a desk to pay the bills, our bodies often get stuck picking up the tab. With the dangers of sitting down all day hitting the news, you should make sure that you are doing all you can to combat sitting down all day.

Reorganize Your Desk

If you work at a desk job, you probably spend more time at your desk than you do at anything else. While desk jobs may not seem physically taxing, they can certainly cause is physical problems. Ensure that your chair is at the proper height, your computer is at eye level, and your back is straight.

Sit on a Stability Ball

Sitting on a stability ball instead of an office chair can be an easy way to increase activity. To sit balanced on the ball, you must engage your core muscles.

Stretch Often

Sitting down can wear on your hips and spine. Set a reminder for a couple of times a day to get up and stretch. Reach up and then bend at the hips to touch the floor. Lunges and shoulder rolls are also good stretches to perform to open up tight tips and tense shoulders.

Take a Stand

Standing desks keep employees on their feet, instead of planted in their chairs. Even if your office doesn’t have a standing desk, all you need is a stable box placed on top of the desk in order to stand and work. Take a phone call standing and walk around the office. If possible, opt for a treadmill desk that will keep you moving while working!

Walk More

An easy way to include more activity in your workday is by walking. Suggest walking meetings instead of sitting in the conference room. Instead of sending a colleague an email, get up and walk over to their desk. Take the stairs instead of the escalator. Getting active doesn’t have to be big – but it should happen often.

Rest easy knowing that your finances are safe and protected. Visit All Nevada Insurance for the reliable insurance policies you need and deserve.

How to Make the Perfect, Festive Gingerbread Cookies!

Seasonal Recipe

Whip up these gingerbread cookies for your festive eats.

Ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves… The season of spice is truly upon us. Now that we’ve finished our pumpkin lattes, we can look forward to peppermint bark and, of course, gingerbread cookies! Whether you make cookies, festive shapes, or a whole house, be sure to use this recipe to whip up the perfect gingerbread for your holiday season!

Ingredients (makes around 12 large cookies or 24 smaller cookies)

  • 1⅓ cups whole wheat flour
  • ¾ cup unbleached all-purpose flour
  • ½ tbsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ½ tbsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp ginger
  • ½ tsp nutmeg
  • ½ tsp cloves
  • ½ cup coconut oil, room temperature
  • ½ cup + 1 tbsp evaporated cane sugar
  • ¼ cup water
  • ½ cup molasses
  • ½ tsp vanilla


  1. In a medium-sized bowl combine the flours, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves. Set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, cream together the coconut oil and the sugar. Beat for 1-2 minutes until the mixture is nice and light. Add the water, molasses, and vanilla, beat for another 30 seconds to mix thoroughly.
  3. Gradually add the flour mixture to the creamed sugar mixture, beating to combine.
  4. Wrap the dough tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight (or for at least 2 hours).
  5. Before rolling, let the dough sit at room temperature for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  6. Preheat oven to 325F.
  7. Roll the dough directly onto parchment paper. The dough should be ¼” thick. Use cookie cutters to cut out the dough, use a flat spatula to remove the excess dough gently. Keep re-rolling and cutting out the dough until it’s all used up.
  8. Pop the unbaked cookies into the freezer to chill for 10 minutes.
  9. Bake for 8-10 minutes, until the cookies are lightly browned around the edges and barely firm in the center.
  10. Let them cool completely before decorating. Store them in an airtight container for a perfectly soft chewy molasses cookie texture. Alternatively, you can store them with a little bit of air ventilation for a light, crisp, gingerbread cookie.

The team at All Nevada Insurance hopes that you enjoy your gingerbread cookies! For all of your personal and commercial insurance needs, visit us today.

Protecting Your Home Through Thanksgiving Festivities

Protecting Your Home Through Thanksgiving Festivities

Hosting this year? Read up on Thanksgiving home safety essentials.

Thanksgiving is full of love and warmth of friendship. What happens when the warmth of the holidays becomes more literal, and a fire burns your holiday cheer? Thanksgiving Day is one of the top days for homeowners to turn their house into a burning inferno. During the midst of cooking, don’t let safety fall by the wayside! With a few Thanksgiving home safety tips, you’re able to keep your festivities in check.

If you’re hosting and cooking this Thanksgiving, be sure to review these safety tips to avoid a smoking dish, a kitchen on fire, or a child burning their finger!

  • Cooks – Don’t wear any loose clothing or dangling sleeves. Wear an apron to protect your clothing.
  • Keep children away from the kitchen during the day.
  • Place anything that can catch fire – potholders, oven mitts, wooden utensils, away from the stove and oven.
  • Clean cooking surfaces regularly throughout the day to avoid grease build-up.
  • Purchase a fire extinguisher to keep in the kitchen.
  • Always check the kitchen before going to bed or leaving home.
  • Install smoke alarms near the kitchen, on each level of the home, and near sleeping areas. Use the test button to check it each month.
  • Keep children and pets away from candles.
  • Keep the floor clean, so you don’t trip over toys, pocketbooks, and bags!
  • Keep cooked food and raw food separate.

Thanksgiving dinner can turn into a threat for your home if an accident occurs. Take extra care this holiday to keep your friends, family, food, and home safe. For help finding the right insurance policies for your needs, visit All Nevada Insurance at one of our Nevada locations!

How to Honor Heroes on Veteran’s Day

Get active for America this November 11th.   

Every November 11, America comes together to honor the brave men and women who fearlessly dedicated their lives to defending our great country.

It is the one day of the year dedicated to commemorating the years of service made by so many men and women around the nation. Military personnel put their country before themselves and fight to keep our country free and brave. There are some ways to get active to show your support for the veterans, fallen and alive, today.

Here are just a few things that you can do to honor heroes on Veterans Day.

Volunteer to lay flowers or plant flags at your local veteran cemetery.

By dressing the cemeteries, it helps remind communities and passers-by to spare a moment to think of those who fought for our country. Although they may be out of people’s minds more often than not, this day is dedicated to taking the time to thank those for all that they did.

Provide financial support for families of the fallen.

The USO and the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) provide financial and emotional support to bereaved spouses and children of troops who have died serving their country.

Fly the American Flag.

On Veterans Day, the flag should be raised.

Visit a military memorial, museum, or monument.

Take a day trip to learn about our military history or to pay your respects.

Attend The Las Vegas Veterans Day Parade

Organized by the Veterans Action Group, this parade is to celebrate those on Active Duty, Reserve members, and Veterans. According to CNN News, The Las Vegas Veterans Day Parade is the largest veterans parade west of Mississippi, second only to New York City! Be sure you don’t miss it!

From the insurance professionals, we hope that you get active this Veterans Day. For all of your insurance needs in Las Vegas, Nevada, contact All Nevada Insurance.