How to Prepare for a Power Outage

How to Prepare for a Power Outage

Arm yourself with the knowledge to prepare yourself and your home for a power outage.

Shockingly, 6 out of 10 American households don’t have a family emergency plan. Even though power outages don’t typically last for more than a couple minutes, it’s good to know how to handle a long blackout with winter almost here. Electricity can be out for several hours from severe storms. Instead of rushing around in the dark when the lights go out, ensure that you and your home are ready and know how to handle it.

Have plenty of food.

  • Keep a 3- to 5-day supply of drinking water in jugs or bottles. Plan on at least 1 gallon of water per person, per day, as well as enough for your pets.
  • Store a manual can opener with non-perishable foods for 3 to 5 days. Aim for canned chickpeas, beans, and peanut butter. Don’t forget pet foods!
  • Conserve water by using plastic plates and plastic utensils that don’t need to be washed and can be thrown away instead.
  • Have a camp stove or grill for outdoor cooking.

Stay in touch.

  • Have a portable, battery-powered radio and alarm clock.
  • Have a non-portable phone that will work even if power is interrupted.
  • Plan where to meet family members and how to communicate if separated.
  • Keep essential family member contact information near your phone and in your wallet.
  • Get your pets microchipped so that you can be reunited if separated.

Keep a kit.

  • Build an emergency kit well in advance of a storm (if you can.)
  • Gather plenty of flashlights with extra batteries.
  • Store a first aid kit that is close to reach.

Protect your appliances

  • Turn off all large appliances if the power goes out.
  • When the power comes back on, give the electric system a chance to stabilize by gradually using the appliances you turned off. Use only the essential first and then wait 15 minutes before turning on the others.

To protect your home throughout all sorts of disasters that are out of your control, visit the team at All Nevada Insurance. Our homeowners insurance policies work to protect residents in Las Vegas, Henderson, and neighboring cities in Nevada. Contact us today for more information.

Get Educated This National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Get Educated This National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

How are you celebrating National Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Across the nation, October is dedicated to breast cancer awareness. This cancer takes thousands of women’s lives every year, and countless women continue to struggle and fight the disease. October marks the month for women to get educated, for communities and individuals to support those with breast cancer, and for awareness to be raised in order to tackle breast cancer.

Here are some little-known facts about breast cancer in the States:

  • One in eight women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.
  • It is the second leading cause of cancer death among women.
  • Each year it is estimated that over 252,710 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,500 will die.
  • Even though breast cancer is rare in men, it is estimated that 2,470 will be diagnosed with breast cancer and around 460 will die each year.
  • Over 3.3 million breast cancer survivors are alive in the United States today.

To help you and your loved ones stay safe, check out these strategies for preventing breast cancer:

  • Reduce animal protein. Consuming high amounts of meat and dairy products raises blood levels of insulin-like growth factor one (IGF-1). Elevated levels of IGF-1 have been associated with increased breast cancer risk in many studies.
  • Stay active. Research found that women with high levels of physical activity reduce their risk of breast cancer by 25 percent. Maintaining a healthy weight is also important, since 17 percent of breast cancer cases have attributed to obesity alone.
  • Avoid alcohol. Studies found that alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer, typically around 15 percent. In breast cancer survivors, drinking 3 or 4 alcoholic beverages per week could increase the risk of recurrence by 34 percent.
  • Add a whole grain. Whole grains contain high amounts of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and compounds only found in plant-based foods. 

As you take the time to protect your health, think about those who are without. You can get active this month by fundraising for breast cancer charities, participate in runs and walks for the cause, and help spread the message through social media!

You can protect your future health by eating the right foods living a healthy lifestyle! To protect your financial future, contact All Nevada Insurance, serving Las Vegas and surrounding cities in Nevada.

Fill Up Your Plate with These Heart Healthy Foods

Heart Healthy Foods

Be good to your heart by piling your plate with these healthy foods.  

The old ticker is not something to take for granted. You may try to be good to your heart on occasion, but sometimes it’s difficult to know where to start. In the United States, heart disease is the number one killer. The good news is that we know a lot about cardiovascular diseases, including some of the best ways in how to prevent them. After plenty of research and studies, it’s certainly clear that healthy eating and living can make a huge difference!

Certain foods can dramatically reduce your heart disease risk, and this good-for-your-ticker diet doesn’t have to be bland or boring. Add these food items to your diet for a healthier heart!


Eating beans and lentils regularly can lower your risk of heart disease by around 22 percent. They are packed with omega-3, fatty acids, calcium, and soluble fiber. Legumes are high in cholesterol-lowering fiber and are an ideal meat-alternative source of protein.


Berries are packed full of anti-oxidants, known to be good for the old heart and health in general. Particularly, blackberries and blueberries are great for vascular health due to their high levels of anti-oxidants. They may be small but are very powerful!


The leafy green is a great source of alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that’s known to improve your heart health. It’s also got inflammation-fighting phytonutrients that can help prevent plaque formation in your arteries. Whether you toss it into a salad or smoothie, start adding kale into your daily diet!


Did you know that eating nuts every day decreases the risk of dying from heart disease by up to 29 percent? Nuts contain unsaturated fats, which improve cholesterol by lowering “bad” cholesterol and raising the good kind. Walnuts, in particular, contain omega-3 fatty acids, which may prevent blood clots and the development of irregular heart rhythms.


Oranges contain pectin, a soluble fiber that basically blocks cholesterol absorption and helps to prevent the scarring of heart tissue. In addition, they contain potassium that can help to keep blood pressure in check.

While you focus on bettering your health, allow the professionals at All Nevada Insurance secure your reliable insurance policies. Visit us in Las Vegas, Nevada today!

Summer Recipe for Your Meatless Monday

Easy Summer Recipe

These homemade quesadillas steal the spotlight!

Meatless Monday is an international movement, encouraging people everywhere to cut out meat for at least one day a week for personal and planetary health! Not only does reducing or eliminating our consumption of meat and dairy benefit the environment, animals, and our health, but it allows us to truly get creative and enjoy different vegetables, grains, proteins, and more!

If you’re looking for a better Meatless Monday dinner than tomato soup and salad, try these delicious quesadillas with homemade cashew cheese.


For the black beans & corn:

  • 1 tablespoon light oil
  • 1/2 an onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 jalapeno, finely diced
  • 1/2 cup black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1/2 cup corn kernels, thawed if frozen
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

For the quesadillas:

  • 4 – 6 large tortillas (flour or corn)
  • 1/2 cup of dairy-free cheese
  • 1 large tomato, diced
  • 4 green onions, chopped
  • 1 small handful cilantro, chopped


  1. To make the black beans and corn: Heat the oil in a skillet or frying pan over medium-high heat. When hot, sauté onion, garlic, and jalapeño until the onion softens and begins to brown. Now add in the black beans, corn, and spices, and heat through, about 2 minutes.
  2. To assemble the quesadilla: Heat a large dry pan over medium heat. Lay the tortilla down in the pan and let toast for about 1 minute until it’s just starting to get golden spots on the bottom. Flip and now add the toppings to the toasted side of the tortilla. On one half, add some cheese, then top with several spoonfuls of black bean and corn mixture, a sprinkle of diced tomatoes, and garnish with green onions, and cilantro. Use a spatula to fold over the tortilla making a half moon shape. Pat down the tortilla with your spatula so it all sticks together. Cook for about 2 minutes on one side, then flip and cook another 2 minutes on the other side so that the cheese is melted and everything is heated through. Remove from pan and cut into 4 triangles.

From All Nevada Insurance, we hope that you enjoyed this recipe! Be sure to contact us for all of your insurance coverage in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Get Moving During National Physical Fitness & Sports Month!

National Physical Fitness & Sports Month

Make May your month to start moving more!

Like most Americans, you probably spend a lot of time sitting down in your car, at your desk, and on the sofa. Although you head to the gym as much as you can, research shows that sitting down too much can be detrimental to our health. Luckily, it’s easy to get active and simply move more! As May is dedicated to being National Physical Fitness & Sports Month, find different ways to incorporate more movement.

Walk More

Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car further away, take your dog on a longer walk. There are plenty of ways to increase your steps every day! Walking is the easiest task that you can do to stay active without going to the gym.

Stand Up at Work

Opt for a stand-up desk. Standing puts more stress on the body, burning more calories. Sitting also compacts all of our internal organs and weakens the hipbones. If you stand for an entire workday, it can help increase leg strength and endurance. Simply standing up to do your work instead of sitting can go a long way! It burns 50 percent more calories than sitting.

Be a Sport

Take up a new sport at your local activity center. Whether it’s yoga, football, spin class or basketball, attending a regular class will ensure that you keep to a schedule of exercise.

Make it a Hobby

Love nature? Get outside and hike the hills, cycle around the park, or swim in the ocean. Moving more doesn’t mean that you have to be on a static treadmill. In fact, the uneven terrain outdoors can help to improve your muscles when running and walking.

Do a Bit of Gardening

Yard work is great because it increases your physical activity, but it also gives you an excuse to be outside. Pulling weeds, mowing the lawn, trimming the hedge, and raking leaves are all physically taxing and use a range of muscle groups.

How are you getting active this month? While you focus on bettering your health, allow the professionals at All Nevada Insurance secure your reliable insurance policies. Visit us in Las Vegas, Nevada today!

Don’t Miss the Food Truck Party Tonight in Las Vegas!

Food Truck Party

Love food? Try a variety of dishes at the Food Truck Party.

Every Thursday from 4:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., Las Vegas puts on an unmissable food truck party! When you think of a food truck, there’s a good chance that you think of casual street food that’s greasy and messy. But food trucks aren’t about substandard eats anymore. Today, there’s a whole new explosion of high-end food trucks that serve fresh, thoughtful dishes. If you’re a food lover looking for a good time, be sure not to miss Las Vegas’s Food Truck Party!

Enjoy music, food, and fun every Thursday evening at the Total Wine store at Town Square. With over ten different and amazing food trucks every week, there’s plenty to keep coming back for! The event is free of charge, and is family and pet-friendly.

Check out the details about the event below:

Date: May 4th

Time: 4:30 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Cost: Free!

Organizer: Treasure Ice Land truck

Where: Total Wine South Strip, 6885 S Las Vegan Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89119

From burgers to salads to seafood to fun drinks, the Food Truck Party delivers choice for each taste.

For more information about the event, see here.

Visit the Las Vegas locals at All Nevada Insurance, protection your finances and assets with reliable insurance.

Five Easy Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online

Ways to Protect Your Privacy

In a digital realm of shared information, work to protect yours.

The joys of connected life are endless: conducting business, connecting with far away loved ones, entertainment, and shopping with ease. With all the benefits that come along with the digital era, the threats from criminals are easily overlooked – yet ever so present. Protecting your privacy and identity is essential in today’s world. For tips on how to do just that, read on!

Lock Your Screens

Set a password or PIN for every laptop, smartphone, and tablet you own. Any lost devices without a screen lock is an unprotected gateway for thieves. You’re essentially handing over your email, banking, social accounts, and more if you don’t lock your screen with a secure password (and 1234 is not fooling anyone!).

Set a Secure Password

When deciding on a password or code, it’s important to be unique but not personable. Avoid using your birth date, Social Security Number, or phone number as your PINs. For example, instead of using the password ‘Basketball,’ opt for ‘iLikeh00ps7.’ Although it may take you back to bad Instant Messenger usernames, the password will be more secure by using multiple words, upper and lower case, and numbers.

Receive Less Mail

When you give a company your name and address, chances are that the information will be added to direct-marketing lists and used by other companies to send you solicitations. Head to to remove yourself from unwanted mailing lists.

Be Aware Before You Buy

When you see ‘https’ and a green padlock alongside a URL in your browser’s address bar, it means that the data is encrypted as it travels back and forth between the website and your computer. If you are visiting a dodgy-looking site that fills your screen with pop-ups and is missing the ‘s’ in ‘https,’ it’s best to click out of it and not revisit it again.

Back Up Your Data

Use a system that backs up your files automatically. That way, if you’re hit with a bug or attack, you’ll have the option of restoring your data.

Cyber attacks and criminals threaten individuals and businesses alike. To find out how to protect your business and yourself, visit the team at All Nevada Insurance, serving Las Vegas and neighboring cities in Nevada with reliable insurance policies!

Do You Need Identity Theft Insurance?

Identity Theft Insurance Las Vegas NV

This personal insurance protection could come in handy to those vulnerable.

Even though many of us don’t give it a second thought, identity theft is a real issue. It’s easy enough to believe that it won’t happen to you, but it’s clear that identity theft is on the rise. Every 2.5 seconds, an American falls victim to fraudulent use of their identity, and with the rise in technology, the number of crimes continues to increase. Given that statistic, should you consider identity theft insurance?

Check out what identity theft insurance can cover!

Fees – As you may have guessed, there are a staggering number of fees incurred along the way in re-establishing your identity, including re-application fees, notary and filing fees, postage, service charges, and legal expenses. The latter is what stacks up to any bill, and is likely to be one of the largest expenses that you’ll incur.

Lost Wages/Care Expenses – Restoring your good name is a time-consuming process. You may need time off work to deal with phone calls and appointments. This is where insurance steps in to cover lost wages and childcare or elder care expenses.

Affordable Coverage – Typically, premiums for identity theft insurance cost less for coverage for a whole year than a meal out at a restaurant. Ranging from $25-60 per year, and providing around $10,000-$15,000 in coverage, this insurance is well worth the purchase.

Theft Protection – Identity theft insurance may be bundled with methods of identity theft protection to provide a more comprehensive approach, and potentially lower premiums or a greater range of coverage.

When you’re working towards protecting your identity, let the professional insurers help. With identity theft protection, you have the peace of mind that you are covered and your finances are safe. Contact the professionals at All Nevada Insurance to secure your needed insurance in Las Vegas and neighboring cities in Nevada.

Fill Up on Fresh Fruit & Veggies by Visiting the Las Vegas Farmers Markets!

Las Vegas Farmers Market

Don’t miss the Las Vegas Farmers Market for all of your seasonal produce.

Do you want to start the New Year on the right foot? Aim to fill your plate with fresh fruit and vegetables that you can buy from the Las Vegas Farmers Market!

The market is open on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. On Saturday the market runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is a place where the community gathers to enjoy the small town atmosphere!

It is host to locally grown and organic fruits and vegetables! There are always plenty of food vendors that cook up a variety of dishes to suit everyone’s tastes. With a new year upon us, plenty of colorful and healthy food can be found at this farmers market.

This market has arts, crafts, health, and beauty booths which make it a great place for food shopping, but it can be a source of local, handmade gifts, massage services, and indulgences for yourself. While doing your weekly grocery shop, you will get to visit a whole host of local booths and a fantastic community spirit.

The locations are as follows:

Wednesday: Bruce Trent Park, 1600. North Rampart Blvd.

Thursday: Gardens Park, 10401 Gardens Park Drive

Saturday: Floyd Lamb Park at Tule Springs, 9100 Tule Spring Road.

For more information, visit the Las Vegas Farmers Market website for more details.

Don’t miss this fantastic Farmers Market that is packed full of healthy food options and fresh finds to fit your fancy. Be sure to visit All Nevada Insurance for all of your insurance needs in Nevada.

How to Keep Up Your Exercise Routine During Winter

Keep Up Your Exercise Routine During Winter

Stay fit by keeping up your exercise routine during winter.

It’s cold, it’s dark – all you want to do is hit snooze and stay warm and cozy in bed until you absolutely have to get up for work. Even though the mornings can seem rough throughout this time of year, it’s important to maintain your exercise routine during winter. Thankfully, it’s not impossible to get the motivation that you need to bound out of bed, ready for your workout.

Get yourself pumped up to exercise.

It’s easy to get into winter hibernation mode, and that usually means that the hardest part about exercising in winter is getting the ambition to do it. After all, you’re wearing three layers, who will notice if you put on a few pounds? Exercising is important for your overall health, as well as your mental state of mind, and relieving stress. Over the winter, it’s a good time to set a realistic goal of what you want to achieve. Whether it’s to lose two pounds or lift a certain weight, you’ll feel more inclined to get up and workout if you’re working towards a goal.

Dress warmly and go outside anyway.

The cold weather shouldn’t deter you from your daily workout. Even if you can’t hit the roads in your shorts and tank top, like you would in the summer, exercising outdoors is still entirely possible in the winter. Add a few warm layers, a lightweight, waterproof jacket, stay hydrated and stay visible. Keep moving to stay warm – the cooler weather may actually improve your workout!

Find winter-friendly alternatives.

Exercising outside in the winter months isn’t always an option for everyone. In this case, it means you should find a workout that you can do indoors or a winter activity that counts as exercising. Whether you hit the gym, turn on a workout video at home, or go swimming at your local sports center, find something that keeps you active!

While you focus on staying warm and fit during winter, let the professionals at All Nevada Insurance secure a reliable insurance policy to suit your needs and budget in Las Vegas, Nevada.