Auto insurance is usually confusing and more expensive than most drivers can afford. Fortunately, agents like All Nevada Insurance find the best providers at competitive rates. Find out which cars are the most expensive to insure and where to get the best policies.
There is a science to why insurance costs more for some cars and not others. By far, SUVs rank the lowest in auto insurance premiums and likely because of the high safety factor in these vehicles. Providers review the max speed of a car and how appealing it is to thieves before quoting a rate. Generally, luxury cars like a Mercedes-Benz cost more to cover because the value is higher than a Honda. Supercars with faster speeds are more dangerous and pose higher risks for accidents.
Aside from speed and cost of the car, auto insurance premiums are higher for exclusive or collector automobiles. For instance, a classic 1970 Bonneville costs more to insure than a 2013 Nissan Murano because of how rare it is and is challenging to find parts and experts to repair. For more about competitive auto insurance rates in the state of Nevada, contact All Nevada Insurance now.