Make May your month to start moving more!
Like most Americans, you probably spend a lot of time sitting down in your car, at your desk, and on the sofa. Although you head to the gym as much as you can, research shows that sitting down too much can be detrimental to our health. Luckily, it’s easy to get active and simply move more! As May is dedicated to being National Physical Fitness & Sports Month, find different ways to incorporate more movement.
Walk More
Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car further away, take your dog on a longer walk. There are plenty of ways to increase your steps every day! Walking is the easiest task that you can do to stay active without going to the gym.
Stand Up at Work
Opt for a stand-up desk. Standing puts more stress on the body, burning more calories. Sitting also compacts all of our internal organs and weakens the hipbones. If you stand for an entire workday, it can help increase leg strength and endurance. Simply standing up to do your work instead of sitting can go a long way! It burns 50 percent more calories than sitting.
Be a Sport
Take up a new sport at your local activity center. Whether it’s yoga, football, spin class or basketball, attending a regular class will ensure that you keep to a schedule of exercise.
Make it a Hobby
Love nature? Get outside and hike the hills, cycle around the park, or swim in the ocean. Moving more doesn’t mean that you have to be on a static treadmill. In fact, the uneven terrain outdoors can help to improve your muscles when running and walking.
Do a Bit of Gardening
Yard work is great because it increases your physical activity, but it also gives you an excuse to be outside. Pulling weeds, mowing the lawn, trimming the hedge, and raking leaves are all physically taxing and use a range of muscle groups.
How are you getting active this month? While you focus on bettering your health, allow the professionals at All Nevada Insurance secure your reliable insurance policies. Visit us in Las Vegas, Nevada today!