The holiday season is the worst possible time to have to deal with having your identity stolen by one or more unscrupulous individuals. Following are some simple tips on how to prevent this from happening to you.
To start with, be careful what you put in your wallet. Avoid carrying any credit card or ATM card with you unless you intend to use it. Your Social Security card is almost always best left at home.
Monitor your bank and credit reports for unusual activity. The earlier you catch unauthorized activity, the easier it is to rectify the damage and avoid having it happen in the future.
Use strong passwords for your email account, Facebook account and other accounts that contain sensitive personal information. Change the passwords on a regular basis and invest in high quality anti-virus software.
You can also take out identify theft protection coverage from All Nevada Insurance. The company serves Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, California, New York and Utah and offers service in English and Spanish. Call today for affordable insurance options that can save you time, hassle and loss of income.