Springtime Boat Check

Has your boat been out of commission for the winter? Whether you sail or drive, these tips can help you get your craft ready in time for warm weather.

1. If you have a powered craft, check the engine and props for signs of decay and corrosion. If you’re not sure what to look for, have a qualified boat mechanic perform an inspection.

2. If you have a sailboat, check the rigging and fittings for cracks, rough spots or rust. Inspect the sail cloth for holes, tears or frayed areas.

3. Make sure belts, cables, hoses and clamps fit closely and show no signs of wear or brittleness.

4. Inspect the hull for cracks, thin spots or blisters. Have the hull repainted, sanded and filled as needed.

5. Check all life preservers and other safety equipment for damage or decay.

6. Make sure stoves and any other electrical equipment is held firmly in place and shows no sign of corrosion.

7. Refill or replace fire extinguishers. Be sure you have the recommended extinguishers for your boat.

8. Top off or replace all fluids, including steering, engine oil, power trim reservoirs and coolant.


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