Stay Sober on Nevada Roads and Highways or Pay a Hefty Price for Getting Pulled Over

All Nevada Insurance representatives remind you to pay attention to the strict Nevada laws about drinking and driving. Plan on paying a large sum of money if you get pulled over due to driving under the influence of alcohol.

The end of the year marks a time of reflection about your past and future lifestyle and insurance coverage. Reviewing information about your current auto insurance policy with an All Nevada Insurance agent can help you start the new year with an extra measure of confidence.

If you plan to celebrate the end of 2013 by drinking wine and beer, remember that you run the risk of getting pulled over by an officer and receiving a fine. Stay sober to avoid the embarrassment and the extra cost involved in getting pulled over by a highway patrol officer.

Instead, celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Day without getting drunk. Learn to appreciate the holidays with a sober mind. For more information about staying sober to avoid getting pulled in Las Vegas or Henderson, Nevada, please contact All Nevada Insurance.